
All Council meetings will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Suite, Hockley Road, Rayleigh unless otherwise stated on the Agenda. Meetings will also be livestreamed to the Council's YouTube channel, you can view upcoming and active livestreams via the following link:


You can also view previous livestreams by visiting the following link:


Members of the public can ask one question at meetings of Full Council and other committees. One supplementary question can be asked at the meeting. The maximum total time allowed for questions at a meeting will be 15 minutes. Questions should be put to the chairman of the relevant committee. 

A question can only be asked of Council if notice has been given by sending it to the Joint Chief Executive, copied to memberservices@rochford.gov.uk no later than midday six working days before the meeting (Note: this does not include the day of despatch of a report setting out such a public question or the day of the meeting of the committee). The notice must include the name and address of the questioner and the name of the Member of Council to whom the question is directed.

Further details regarding asking questions at Full Council and committee meetings can be found in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution or by contacting memberservices@rochford.gov.uk



Welcome to the Council Committee Management Information System (CMIS).

Here you are able to find out about decision making and individuals who represent you.

Please note that all public Agendas, Minutes and decision documents are available from 1 January 2001 onwards. Prior to this time, extracts from the Council's Minute Books are available for each calendar year (1973 - 1999 inclusive). These records are fully searchable. Some Minute extracts are large and may take time to load. 

Rochford District Council is made up of 10 Conservatives, 11 Liberal Democrats, 10 Non-Aligned Group and 8 Rochford District Residents,

If you would like to see any information relating to South Essex Councils (SEC), formerly known as the Association of South Essex Local Authorities (ASELA), please click on the following link which will take you to the SEC website: South Essex Councils website


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